When you plan a trip you think of happiness and a way to relax but sometimes it can get really bad. India is the literal hotspot of travel scams. I live in India and I know how the people literally put a blindfold on you and cheat you and travel scam is not something that only happens to the foreign tourist, the same things happen with the domestic tourists as well.
I guess living in India for 20 years of my life I can safely say I have had every single scam encounter there is and here are the most common that you should definitely keep an eye for. Travel is the best thing in life so make sure nobody destroys that for you.
Fake travel agencies:
There are literally a hundred of agencies both online and offline that look a hundred percent legit but actually scam to take your money. These agencies will pretend like they are the real deal, with cheap flight tickets, travel plans and what not and once you have paid them its all a dead end. It is easy money for them and a huge loss for you. So beware of these people. Better do a thorough research before you invest in companies like this and always do a background check to see if they are really legit or not.
Free bracelets and other items:
Happened to me not only in India but also in other countries as well. A good fellow will come up to you and claim to give you a free item and when you have put it on they will demand money from you. To be saved from an embarrassing situation you will pay the price which would be twice the actual price of the item. It generally happens in Delhi, Mumbai and many other popular tourists destinations in India. beware of people like this and don't accept anything even if they say its for free.
Literally, India is the hotspot for this most common activity. in a year there are reports of nearly a million pickpockets. this is not only for tourists but all the people out there. These pickpockets come in various nature. Sometimes they are dressed as a beggar, sometimes they try to sell you something and sometimes they ask you for help in getting directions or sort. Stay away from people like these.
High price in the souvenir shops:
This not only happens with the tourists coming from other countries but also happens to the locals. the shopkeepers and the people on the footpath with there stuff try to sell the items for 3 times the price they actually are. this is how it goes. if you randomly see something that you really like then the shopkeeper will increase the price of the items that you liked. so here's a plan. first, pick something else and if they say anything overpriced then tell them you don't want to buy it. then they will surely try to sell it to you and them pick the item you want and then repeat the step. they will drop the price even more. I have done the same numerous times and it worked for me.
High priced taxi:
I have been through this and trust me they suck more money than you could even imagine. often you would have heard the hotel staff suggesting or helping you with a ride to the place you want to go and they don't often mention the price an assure you that it would be very less but at the end you find out that that charged you with 5 times more price than what actually would have cost you so to avoid this first try online rental service that crate you per kilometer like ola or uber or make my trip's interstate travel. these are a few examples of website that you can check on that is popular among travelers in India.
The drug deal gone wrong:
This scam is common in many developing countries including in India. You’re in a popular tourist area or a party place and someone offers you drugs. You say yes, and before you know it, a real cop is on the scene! They offer to arrest you or you can pay the fine right there (i.e., a bribe). Caught red-handed, you’ll probably pay the bribe rather than go to jail.
Damaged rental equipment:
When you rent a bike or car, take photos of the damage already there and show them. Know that you take a chance of the renter stealing his own bike from you and then making you buy a new one. You could lock it up. I have never heard of this happening in India but better to safe except for in few places like Hampi, Dehradun, and Ladakh but rather than these places I guess its okay but do click a photo before you get on the ride.
Apart from this India is really the land of gods and beauty is there in every place you go to make it worthwhile in India and go back home with nothing but happy memories and I hope that you will have a safe journey in India.
how was your travel experience in India ? do share with us through email or just leave a quick comment and happy traveling everybody.
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