My Falling In Love With Travel Story - Letters From A Nomad - travel blog

Welcome digital nomads, join me on the ultimate adventure that never ends. Each of our life is made up of our experiences and stories that define us. travel is not just about seeing the beauty of the place and an instagram post. Its a feeling, millions of stories of different people around the world, the experience and above all peace.

Well as a child I used to travel a lot with my mom and dad but it was always like I was just there as a someone who is seeing something through a window, I didn't feel like I belonged there and eventually became tired of going somewhere every year.

I still remember my first time ever out of my home state. I went to Calcutta, a bustling and one of the busiest cities in India. I was pretty fascinated to see so many historical monuments and as a child, it felt like a whole new world, but then there was a new trip every new year and all I had to do was to sit there as a viewer and let my parents do everything for me, but I wanted something different.

I remember I was still in 9th grade when I watched the movie " Everest ", I owe it all the that movie that I'm here writing this. that movie was a story pure passion and an incredible story of sacrifice.

After watching the movie I instantly fell in love with the mountains and it made me think how much I'm actually missing in my life. 

That realization came to me quickly and I started researching about the people who live there life as a nomad, I was fascinated to see that there are almost a million of people who don't have a place to live who made the world there home. 

It was scary and beautiful at the same time, you have all the freedom in the world and on the other, you don't have a place to go back to at the end of the day.

Then began my craze for traveling and trust me it wasn't easy to convince my Indian parents that I was big enough to travel on my own, it took a lot of effort to make them convinced that I was big enough for my first solo trip to Manali and Leh.

It was when I was in the first year of high school, and my friends and other family members were skeptics and some even said that I was too outburst and my parents gave me a lot of unnecessary freedom, but I knew what I wanted to do and nobody could stop me from doing it.

The first time I sat on a flight all alone, no family no friends and trust me it was scary as shit. There were all of the negative emotions that got welled up in me, but in my mind I was strong, I didn't save money for 2 years and finally able to come this far to only go back.

I landed in Delhi and then had to catch the bus to Manali. It was an overnight bus with a pitstop to have dinner. I didn't know anyone so I had no one to talk to so I went to sleep 

All of those emotions and feeling were left back when the next morning I saw what was for me the most beautiful sunrise, it was a sunrise of independence of being truly one with the world and the feeling of conquering the world.

I was confident and so began my fearless travel journey with still stretches on to this day. So remember no matter how scared you are and think you will lose everything , your friend, your family, no matter how hard you think it is, if you truly want something just remember that at the end you will stand with your head high and you will know that it was your love, your ambition and you achievement that made you who you are now.

The first time I thought I wanted to become a travel blogger I was criticized not only by my friends but family also, but I guess they also saw the fire in me and eventually believed in what I believe in and trust me you don't want to go to your grave as a man who didn't have an adventure is hid/her life.

What was your story of trying to do something different from everyone else ? share it with me in the comment section below.  

thank you for reading my story, I hope you like it. 

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