final cut pro x plugin free download | Transitions | Effects - Letters From A Nomad - travel blog

Welcome digital nomads, join me on the ultimate adventure that never ends. Each of our life is made up of our experiences and stories that define us. travel is not just about seeing the beauty of the place and an instagram post. Its a feeling, millions of stories of different people around the world, the experience and above all peace.

Here are some of my favorite plugins as a travel blogger for final cut pro x. I do not own any of them and only sharing the work of the respective owners. pixel film studios transzoom and lenofx's transitions with the pixel film studios lut loader and many more fcpx plugin and transitions.


1. pixel film studios transzoom

2. Lenofx

3. Wrap roll 

4. zoom transitions

5.motion blur

6. roll world

7. time wrap transition


1. pixel film studios lut loader 

2. denoise 

3. glitch 

If you want some more plugins for fcpx please do tell me which one you would like in the comment section below. 
Thank you.